Book One
Book 1
By: Kathleen Ball

Aiden: The McKeegans

Kathleen Ball

Eireann is the last survivor of her family after the Civil War. The war has been over for almost two years and there has been no word of her fiancé, Callen McKeegan. Anxious, she writes to his family in Montana and is promptly sent the means for her to travel to them. They too have been waiting for news about Callen.

The McKeegans embrace Eireann, but her heart cracks a little more each day while Callen is missing.
Aiden McKeegan is the eldest sibling. He seems distant until an orphan girl, Christy, plops down on his lap and calls him Papa.

Several mysterious misfortunes occur while they wait for Callen.

When he ultimately appears, he’s furious when Christy calls Eireann Mama and Aiden Papa. Callen blatantly refuses to claim Eireann as his bride.

Regret and heartbreak are unearthed in this sweeping love story of two people who are destined to be together but deny it to themselves and each other.

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Kathleen Ball writes Historical, Contemporary and Christian Western Romance with great emotion and memorable characters. Kathleen started writing in 2009 and by 2011 she not just one publisher. She had two. Working with these publishers gave her great insight to the business of writing as a whole. Now self-published, Kathleen loves that each decision from writing to publishing to marketing is her own.

Kathleen usually has a genre she's going to write and just sits at the computer and the magic happens. She never knows where her characters will take her. She believes in love at first sight and happily ever-after.

Originally from Rochester New York Kathleen now lives in Texas with her husband. She has one son and two amazing granddaughters. She also has two horses and two cats. You can usually find her reading. She loves westerns that can make her cry. With over fifty titles published writing is her greatest love.


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