Stand Alone Novel
Book 1
By: Amberlee Day

Family Dinners with the Billionaire

Amberlee Day

When Jetton Bolt’s supermodel wife died two years ago, his kids handled it surprisingly well. After all, she was hardly ever home. Now that they’ve moved back to Jetton’s home town of Seattle, however, problems arise, and the counselor he’s hired recommends he spend more time with his children. First thing on the list: eat dinners together, and cook them together, too. Jetton doesn’t cook, but that’s what money’s for, right?

Julie Kiyama has earned a name in Seattle and beyond as a talented chef, but when it comes to running a business in a saturated restaurant market, she struggles. Hoping that the third time will be the charm, she opens a “restaurant” where diners actually help cook their own dinners. She never dreamed that this odd foodie niche would land her a job helping a billionaire and his kids learn to cook together, or that she’d be driving daily to the luxurious private neighborhood known as The Cove to make it happen.

When sparks begin to fly in the Bolt kitchen between Jetton and Julie, both will have to redefine their ideas of success if they have any hope of believing what their hearts are telling them.

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Amberlee Day writes from her home deep in a Pacific Northwest forest. Unless she’s at the beach, then she writes there. Also in her minivan while waiting on children’s activities, or at the library when the house is too noisy, and occasionally in random corners during family reunions.

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