Stand Alone Novel
Book 4
By: Bree Livingston

Ryder: Army Ranger Romance Book Four

Bree Livingston
  When a stubborn therapist meets an Army Ranger who has given up, it’s a battle of wills—and a growing attraction.

*previously titled The Ranger’s Hope

Counselor Kennedy Crenshaw loves her new job as director of Rescues for Vets. Not only does she get to help returning veterans, but she also finds homes for shelter dogs. It’s the best of both worlds and it’s one she’s not willing to give up when her gambling-addicted ex-husband returns with trouble in tow.

Ryder Whitlock’s been hiding his problems since he returned to the States, but lately, his ability to smile on the outside is faltering. When he’s forced to confront his past and the crushing guilt he’s held onto, he finds himself face to face with an infuriating—and intriguing—counselor who won’t take no for an answer.

As he spends time with Kennedy, he finds a sliver of hope–but when her ex-husband returns, it’s Ryder’s turn to rescue her.

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USA Today Bestselling Author

Bree Livingston lives in the West Texas Panhandle with her husband, children, and cats. She'd have a dog, but they took a vote and the cats won. Not in numbers, but attitude. They wouldn't even debate. They just leveled their little beady eyes at her and that was all it took for her to nix getting a dog. Her hobbies include...nothing because she writes all the time.

She loves carbs, but the love ends there. No, that's not true. The love usually winds up on her hips which is why she loves writing romance. The love in the pages of her books are sweet and clean, and they definitely don't add pounds when you step on the scale. Unless of course, you're actually holding a Kindle while you're weighing. Put the Kindle down, and try again. Also, the cookie because that could be the problem too. She knows from experience.


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