I'm going to be honest, I didn't go to college to write, but my teachers always told me I was good at it. I even had one professor ask me to sign one of my homework assignments because he thought it was so well written. However, I chose to go into Agricultural Business and advertising. NOT writing.
Flash forward several years, and I find myself penning out the worst rough draft of what was to become "The Earthspark" in the dead of night. All because of a dream I'd just had. But again, I put it aside. Until I found myself a mom wanting to listen to a good book but couldn't find anything appropriate to listen to with kids in the room.
At this time, I pulled out that handwritten draft of my book and decided that if I couldn't find a clean book to read for adults, I was going to write one. So I did, and now I can't stop.
Today, you may find me out exploring the rugged landscape that makes up my home and the worlds I create. Or I may be sitting in front of my fireplace enjoying a slice of hot fresh bread and homemade jam while reading the next book on my TO-BE-READ list.
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