Stand Alone Novel
Book 4
By: Jan Gallagher Dunn

Conveniently Wed, Gracie: Clean Marriage of Convenience Romance

 Is their happily ever after nothing but a convenient fantasy?

Everyone knows that Gracie’s fiancé died shortly before their wedding. What no one realizes is just how much better her life is without him—and the guilt she feels over that fact. Now she’s free to do whatever she wants–without having to accommodate his every need. She’s free. Too bad she’s also painfully lonely. Maybe that marriage of convenience her parents are so in favor of isn’t such a bad idea after all…

Carson hasn’t been lucky where romance is concerned, either. But he needs to prove to his father that he’s ready to settle down if he plans to inherit the family business in the future. Marrying Gracie makes total sense—if she will just agree. The instant and irresistible pull of attraction he feels to her, however, is an entirely different story. With his track record, trusting his judgement—and his heart—would surely be a huge mistake…right?

Can Gracie and Carson overcome the past hurts and trust issues that stand between them?

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Jan lives in Minnesota with her husband. Their two grown children live nearby. And there's Norman, a rescue Pug/Boston Terrier who sleeps under Jan's desk when he's not busy chewing everything in sight.

Jan loves to read romances - just check out the titles on her Kindle. It's not surprising she loves to write stories that end happily ever after. Resilient women and the men who love them. The fun is watching two imperfect people discover their feelings and find the courage to move forward.

What does Jan do to relax, so story issues can brew in the back of her brain? Walks when the temperature is above freezing. Jan likes to knit but can only make scarves and baby blankets. About half of her house plants survive longer than a year. But no more cactus for her - they never survive once she gets them home. Who said succulents are supposed to be the easiest things to grow?


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