Stand Alone Novel
By: Paige Edwards

Danger on the Loch

Paige Edwards

Raised by a cold and distant mother, photographer Paisley Clark has spent her life daydreaming about the father she doesn’t remember. Paisley’s dream turns to reality when a DNA test brings her in contact with the mysterious man. With her financial situation a disaster and her childhood friend James Pressley-Coombes working across the pond in Scotland, Paisley is emboldened to accept her father’s invitation to visit him.

She arrives in the Highlands only to discover that she isn’t Paisley Clark at all but a titled lady, the daughter of a Scottish duke. Despite the warm welcome and the comfort of James’s presence, dangerous undercurrents surround Castle Rannoch, her father’s estate. Overwhelmed, Paisley takes refuge in her camera and James’s steady presence to provide a sense of normalcy in her rags-to-riches transformation. But her once-easy relationship with James is changing, deepening beyond friendship in a surprising twist of events. Before they have time to examine their feelings, Paisley inadvertently captures a shocking image in one of her photographs—a picture worth killing for.

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Paige Edwards is a Reader's Favorite Book Award winner, and is a Forward INDIES, Carol, Silver Falchion, RONE, and two-time Whitney Awards finalist of inspirational romantic suspense novels. She holds a degree in interior design and has worked professionally in that field. Due to her strong British roots, Paige’s books are often set in the UK, and she hops the pond whenever she gets the chance. She is styled the Lady Paige Edwards when in Scotland, but her favorite title is Grandma. When she needs a break from writing, she serves as president of her area's Interfaith Community Council, is fond of digging in the dirt (what some might call gardening), biking battlefields, and kayaking the lake. Paige is a member of ACFW and loves to connect with her readers. You can find her or follow her on BookBub, AMAZON, Goodreads, and Instagram.


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