Stand Alone Novel
Book 3
By: Agnes Canestri

Law #3: Don’t Fall for the Athlete

Agnes Canestri
 He broke her heart. She won’t let him do it again...
 LAWS OF LOVE   Book Three

Wyatt was my brother’s best friend—and my first love. But any warm feelings I had for him died when he dumped me (over the phone) to chase his dreams.

I never thought I’d see him again. So, imagine my surprise when my boss assigns me to act as his behavioral therapist.

Refusing isn’t an option.

It shouldn’t be a problem, though. I’m strong enough to resist his unearthly magnetism…right?

All I ever wanted was to play professional football. I gave up everything to get here. Now, I could lose it all because of one screw-up.

And as it turns out, the only person who can save me is Ellie. I broke her heart (and mine) when I left all those years ago. She probably hates me.

But that won’t stop me from trying to make amends… or from wishing that everything could be different between us.

Will a little forced proximity help Ellie and Wyatt overcome the pain of their past? Or will their second chance at happily ever after end as badly as their first?

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Besides writing sweet, heartwarming romance stories and suspenseful romantic reads, Agnes is also a psychologist, thus obsessed with understanding what makes people tick, especially when it comes to love. She may or may not have a desperate obsession with chocolate — the darker the better—, green smoothies (kale cancels out the vice for sweets, right?), and strong Italian espresso (she lived too long in Rome to not pick up this habit.)

Without a shadow of a doubt, her most precious thing in life is her family and her two little monkeys (who start to not be so little anymore.) Agnes has lived in many countries following her hubby's crazy career move, but right now, she's settled in Germany. She loves traveling and being outdoors but it doesn't mean that you can't tempt her with a good read and a cozy blanket anytime. Especially if you've also got that famous Italian cuppa with you:-)


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