Stand Alone Novel
Book 4
By: Agnes Canestri

Law #4: Don’t Trust the Bad Boy : A Clean Bad Boy Romance Novel

Agnes Canestri
 Never trust a bad boy. Well, maybe just this one?
 LAWS OF LOVE   Book Four

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t agree to share a couchette with a stranger on a train.

But these are not normal circumstances.

See, I’m a junior art curator, traveling abroad for the first time. And thanks to a booking error, I might not make it in time to acquire the painting I need for a prestigious show.

So, sharing a cabin with this dangerously charming man is my only option.

I can handle it, though. It’s not like I’m going to do something stupid and fall in love with him…right?

I have zero interest in commitment of any kind. That’s why my art has always been a hobby, not a career.

So, when I got involved with Cora’s show, I told myself I was just helping a pretty girl keep her job. And accepting the portrait commission from her boyfriend’s mother was all about the money. Then I said I’d never fall for Cora.

Too bad I was lying to myself…

Can two opposites on totally different paths find their way to happily ever after? Only one thing is certain. Rules will be broken along the way…

If you enjoy a sweet bad boy romance with heartwarming and hilarious moments, off-the-chart chemistry, and charming but flawed heroes, then you’ll adore book four in the Laws of Love series. Each book in the series is a standalone, but you have the perks of meeting characters from previous books.

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Besides writing sweet, heartwarming romance stories and suspenseful romantic reads, Agnes is also a psychologist, thus obsessed with understanding what makes people tick, especially when it comes to love. She may or may not have a desperate obsession with chocolate — the darker the better—, green smoothies (kale cancels out the vice for sweets, right?), and strong Italian espresso (she lived too long in Rome to not pick up this habit.)

Without a shadow of a doubt, her most precious thing in life is her family and her two little monkeys (who start to not be so little anymore.) Agnes has lived in many countries following her hubby's crazy career move, but right now, she's settled in Germany. She loves traveling and being outdoors but it doesn't mean that you can't tempt her with a good read and a cozy blanket anytime. Especially if you've also got that famous Italian cuppa with you:-)


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