Book One
Book 1
By: Cheree Alsop


Cheree Alsop
 The Fluffs Know All

Raith Lost Everything in a Terrible Accident

Alone and desperate, he makes one crucial mistake- try to save the woman screaming in the alley. When he discovers it’s a trap, it is already too late.

The energy-sensitive creatures lead others to Raith on the verge of death. Despite their reservations, they bring him into a world he never knew existed. Demons threaten, lives hang in the balance, and everything hinges on Raith finding an elemental ally. But when Raith forms a unique bond with a shadow wolf, a soul elemental, he has to convince himself he has a soul worth fighting for.

Can Raith learn all he must in order to confront this new world of danger threatening to swallow up everything he holds dear?

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Cheree Alsop is an award-winning, best-selling author who has published over 60 books. She is the mother of a beautiful, talented daughter and amazing twin sons who fill every day with joy and laughter. She is married to her best friend, Michael, the light of her life and her soulmate who shares her dreams and inspires her every day. Cheree is a fulltime author and mother, which is more play than work! She enjoys reading, traveling to tropical beaches, riding motorcycles, playing the bass for the band Alien Landslide, spending time with her wonderful children, and going on family adventures while planning her next book. Cheree and Michael live in Utah where they rock out in their garage band, enjoy the outdoors, plan great quests, and never stop dreaming.


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