Book One
Book 1
By: Jill Burrell

Rescued: A Small Town Single Dad Romance

Jill Burrell
 Breaking down in a nowhere town called Providence wasn’t part of the plan.

The only break single mother, Amy Lawson, catches after losing her job and finding her boyfriend with another woman, is a broken-down car. Stranded and desperate, she finds herself at the mercy of a handsome, brooding mechanic. When he offers her help, she accepts, knowing too well the pain that comes from trusting others.

Widower and grieving father, Ben Young, fixes cars and avoids people. He can’t stand to see the pity in their eyes. There’s something different in Amy’s eyes, though, and he’s driven to help her—for her little girl’s sake. But helping means caring, and that’s not something he’s capable of. Not anymore.

Just when it looks like a relationship might be possible between Ben and Amy, she realizes her breaking down in this small town wasn’t an accident. She holds the key to what happened to Ben’s family. But will her quest for answers cost her everything?

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Jill Burrell is an author of sweet, small-town romances full of faith, hope, and family.

She has always been an avid reader, and romance has always been her favorite genre. If she’s not writing or folding laundry her head is usually in a book.

When her father told her, “I’ve got a story I want you to write,” she didn’t think she’d ever actually do it. But after twenty years of being a stay-at-home mom with seven children, the idea of writing and publishing a book sounded less terrifying than entering the workforce again. Boy, was she wrong!


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