Book 11
By: Alexa Verde

Show Me a Family Saga

Alexa Verde
 A busy matriarch and a risk-loving younger man with a secret… Can his granddaughter in need bring these opposites together?

Graziella Moore has been a family matriarch long enough. Or maybe too long, but who wants to risk her heart after being abandoned and deceived by a husband? So she doesn’t understand why her adult children are interfering when she starts dating again. Yes, her boyfriend, Hugo Ackerman, is much younger than she is and his two previous wives died suspiciously, but Graziella can take care of herself. Never mind that she’s suddenly become accident-prone.

Meanwhile, crises in the family demand her attention. Her niece Jenna is about to give birth, and if her pregnancy is any indication, it’s not going to be easy. Graziella’s only daughter gets an offer of a concert tour, so the family offers to babysit her stepson. Graziella’s newest daughter-in-law is receiving threats—again. One of Graziella’s adopted grandsons is accused of vandalism, and several horses are missing along with her inner peace.

She’s set in her ways and all about her large, rambunctious family, so this romance with a risk-taking and adventurous man won’t work. Yet when love—and the police—knock on her door, shouldn’t she answer? Especially when there’s a child in need.

If you enjoyed the two family sagas in this series, this book has an extra treat of updates for several couples as well as a complete romance with a well-deserved happily-ever-after!

Welcome to Cowboy Crossing, a small town in the Show Me State where swoon-worthy single dad cowboys fall for strong-willed forty-something women, though sometimes those rugged handsome men might need a nudge—or a push.

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Alexa Verde writes feel-good small-town romances with a smile. She'd love it if you subscribed to her newsletter Every subscriber gets a free Christian romance after confirming the subscription as a thank-you gift.

She penned her first literary "masterpiece" (a rhymed poem) at the ripe age of eight, and since has had over forty books and 200 short stories, articles, and poems published in the five languages that she speaks. Over 60 million pages of her books have been read worldwide. She has bachelor's degrees in English and Spanish, a master's in Russian, and enjoys writing about characters from diverse cultures. She's worn the hats of reporter, teacher, translator, assistant, model (even one day counts!), and caretaker, but thinks that the writer's hat suits her the best. She hopes and prays that her stories will bring joy to her readers. Heartfelt thanks for your interest in her books!


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