Book 2
By: Shawna Coleing

Smoke and Mirrors

Shawna Coleing
  If you don't control your own future, someone else will.

Previously published as Smoke and Mirrors by VF Streets.

Bristol thought she was free when she watched Silas walk away in handcuffs. But when an important piece of evidence is thrown out on a technicality, she discovers Silas isn’t the only one who wants to manipulate her. With captivity or death her only options, Bristol attempts to use her skills to claw back control and gain her freedom once again.

After the death of his father, Cole is fighting his own battle for control when the past turns up on his doorstep, shaking the foundation of everything he knows, and revealing that his father’s life of paranoia was justified. But with the walls closing in on both of them, Bristol makes a choice to deceive those she loves in order to save them, and Cole can do nothing but watch as she slips through his fingers.

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Born and raised in Western NY State, Shawna never expected to move too far from home. She craved adventure, but that adventure pretty much stayed in her head.

Then, after finishing college, she had the opportunity to spend a year in Australia, and she took it. She met her husband while there and now, close to two decades later, she lives in the middle of tropical Far North Queensland, about a kilometer from croc infested waters.

She and her husband have three kids and she still loves nothing more than staring out the window daydreaming and making up a good story.


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