Stand Alone Novel
Book 4
By: Elana Johnson

The Beach Blueprint: Sweet Romance & Women’s Friendship

Elana Johnson

Joy Bartlett needs a blueprint before she takes a single step in any direction. She loves seeing what she’s getting into before committing, and moving 1200 miles from Texas to South Carolina just because half of her Supper Club has doesn’t mean she’s going to start packing boxes.

She is terribly lonely in Sweet Water Falls without Bea, Cass, and Lauren, and as another member of their monthly dinner party gets ready to leave Texas in the rear-view mirror, Joy starts creating her own blueprint.

After all, she doesn’t want a Blueprint for Survival.

She wants a beach blueprint.

One that lays out how her life will look and feel, right down to the tiny nooks and crannies if she decides to uproot herself and leave her family and her heritage and join her friends on Hilton Head Island.

There is a strong influence in her life, pulling her toward the beach and island life: a sexy, strong landscaper named Scott Anderson. He’s asked her out several times, but Joy has turned him down every time.

When she hears that he’s going to take someone else to dinner, the thought flies against everything in Joy’s baby beach blueprint – because Scott’s a big player in that. So she texts him and makes it clear that she doesn’t want him to go out with anyone…except her.

Thus, a long-distance relationship between Joy and Scott begins, and Joy’s blueprint starts to get messy. Very messy.

Can she figure out how to arrange all of the pieces in her life in a way that makes sense? Or will she find herself cut off from everyone who’s ever been important to her?

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USA Today bestseller Elana Johnson writes adult contemporary beach romance. She is the author of over 130 books across two names, and there's nothing better than sun, sand, and swoon-worthy kisses! Unless it's a sweet-and-sexy cowboy - read those under her pen name of Liz Isaacson. Learn more about her sweet beach romances at Join her texting group by sending the word SAND to 474747 and get exclusive sales, freebies, and more.


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