Book 2
By: Jennifer Youngblood

The Fragile Truth: Women’s Fiction Romantic Suspense

 The closer one gets to the truth, the more pernicious and fragile it becomes …

The mystery and intrigue of Honeysuckle Island continues with Sheriff Ian Russell. As Ian struggles to come to terms with his heartache and anger over Lina’s betrayal and then disappearance, he meets newcomer Sadie Thomas, a feisty blonde who sweeps into town like a fresh breeze. Charming and fun to be around, Sadie has a way with the customers at the local seafood house where she works as a server.

However, Sadie seems awfully interested in the disappearance of Brent Allen, Ian’s former deputy. Ian begins to wonder what secrets Sadie is hiding beneath her keen wit and easy smile.

As he sets out to learn more about this fascinating woman who’s quickly claiming his heart, Ian finds himself drawn into a web of deception that could not only destroy him, but also rock the foundation of Honeysuckle Island and all that he holds dear.

Welcome to Honeysuckle Island … where secrets abound and love and hope work together to find a place where the heart can belong.

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Jennifer Youngblood is a USA Today Bestselling Author of clean romance, sweet romance, romantic comedy, and romantic suspense novels. For as long as she could remember, Jennifer has wanted to be an author. In those rare moments when she's not dreaming up another story, Jennifer loves cooking, spending time with family, and occasionally breaking away from her hectic life to take spontaneous trips to exotic and sometimes not so exotic locations. She couldn't survive in a world without chocolate, good books, family, and friends.


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