Stand Alone Novel
Book 7
By: Mischelle Creager

The Heart Forgets

 She refuses to lose another husband to violence. He’s not sure he can protect those he loves.

After Lucy Townsend lost her beloved husband in the war, she and her children moved to Ainsley where she now owns a cluster house and rents out apartments to war widows and their children. For over a year, Lucy has been friends with Kerr MacPherson. Even though she has deepening feelings for him, she refuses to let it go any farther since he is the sheriff, and that can be a dangerous job. But then a letter comes that threatens her whole world.

When he learned his father was dying, Kerr MacPherson came home to Kansas from Colorado. Being the oldest of the children, he always felt responsible for protecting those around him, so he became the sheriff. Although Kerr plans to homestead in Colorado one day soon, the outlaws who are attacking the MacPhersons and his mother’s disappearance keep him from leaving. As for Lucy, well, he’s not sure he can protect her any more than he could the two he left buried in Colorado.

As the heart forgets the pain and loss of yesterday, can it make room for the love of today?

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Mischelle Creager writes inspirational historical romances set in the mid-1800s. She’s not sure which she loves more—researching or writing. When she’s not doing one of those two things, she can probably be found reading or baking.

She is a wife whose wonderful husband told her, when he retired several years ago, that he wanted to support her in her writing and took over all the household chores, including sweeping, dusting, and laundry. He even cleans up for her after she bakes! Her son and daughter are always available to help with social media questions.

Mischelle loves to share her historical research and has a website, Under The Attic Eaves, filled with tidbits she’s found in books written in the 19th Century. She also “reprints” a historical magazine, Worbly’s Family Monthly Magazine, filled with items from books and magazines published in the middle of the 1800s.


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