Stand Alone Novel
Book 6
By: Heather Tullis

The Last Bride

Heather Tullis
 Their mutual love of the outdoors brings them together, and it may be the only thing that keeps them alive.

When Gage learned that George DiCarlo thought he would make a great match for his youngest daughter, Gage was not interested. Not even if she was beautiful, talented, kicked butt on hiking trails, and could challenge even his love of skiing.

When Jonquil’s learns about her father’s plans more than a year later, her reaction is exactly the opposite. After watching the rest of her sisters fall in love with the men George hoped they would connect with, she’s curious about the local ski resort owner. But Gage is not making it easy and plenty of problems stand between them: her half-sister, Angela, who seems determined to keep her on her toes and win Gage’s heart for her own.

When threats against Gage’s family spill into their own lives and they come under fire, they have to stick together to figure out who is behind it all before one or both of them end up dead.

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HEATHER TULLIS writes sweet, small-town romance and cozy mysteries. She has published three dozen books. When she’s not dreaming up new stories to write, she enjoys playing with her dogs and chickens, cake decorating, trying new jewelry designs, inventing new ways to eat chocolate, and hanging out with her husband.


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