Stand Alone Novel
Book 5
By: J.M. Stengl

The Mirror and the Curse

J.M. Stengl
 This year, Princess Eddi intends to win both Prince Fidelio’s heart and the Faraway Castle Cup!

A summer of training for the big race with her winged horse and Kai the dwarf sounds ideal. Better still, Prince Fidelio decides to join her at the resort . . . so Eddi’s summer plan is a done deal. Or it would be if Fidelio would behave like a sensible boyfriend, and Kai? Sidekick dwarfs are not supposed to be confusingly attractive.

A series of mysterious magic attacks merely adds to Eddi’s trouble. But who is out to get her? Her nemesis Raquel is the obvious villain, but she doesn’t have magic. Eddi’s annoyingly perfect stepmother does, however. Worse still, there’s rumor of a dangerous magical artifact on the loose . . .

Can Eddie overcome these obstacles and achieve her summer goals? Only if her heart will cooperate!

A Snow White tale for readers who love flying horses and sweet romance with a touch of mystery!

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J.M. Stengl is a native of southern California who, after a whirlwind life as a military wife, now makes her home with her husband in North Carolina, where she serves at the beck and call of two spoiled cats and five adorable grandchildren. Obsessions include all things animal rescue, fairy-tale romances, collecting and customizing model horses, and perfecting the perfect pastry crust.​

During her former career as a romance novelist, Stengl won both the Carol Award and RWA's Inspirational Readers' Choice Award. Now she prefers her novels to include a dash of magic along with the heart-melting romance.


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