Stand Alone Novel
Book 2
By: Julia Keanini

Crushing on My Brothers’ Best Friend

Julia Keanini
 Gorgeous, charming, and funny. Ky would be any girl's dream guy. Too bad he's my brothers' best friend.

I fly below the radar. It’s kind of my thing. With twin superstar older brothers, it isn’t hard to do. But when I’m epically dumped by my first boyfriend ever, it puts me right where I hate to be–in the limelight. And suddenly, everyone in Sweet Water is alerted to my love life, especially my nosy and overprotective brothers.

I did my best to manage the attention until I discover that Ky Andrews, the guy that I’ve crushed on since elementary school and my brothers’ best friend, is also paying attention. He’s recently broken up with his girlfriend and is actually talking to me…like a girl, not a bud. Just when I think this might be the happily-ever-after I’ve dreamed of, my brothers ruin it all. Suddenly, every boy in Sweet Water won’t touch me with a ten-foot pole–including Ky.

But when I’m suddenly paired with Ky for a project in yearbook, it seems like he’s struggling to keep his distance. Now confused, I have to decide if I’m willing to take the risk and fall for Ky or protect my heart and forever remain a wallflower.

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Julia Keanini is just a city girl living in a country world (and secretly loving it). She loves the mountains and would adore the beach, if it weren't for all the sand and salt (wait, that is the beach?). A good book, a great song, or a huge piece of chocolate can lift her mood, but her true happiness is found in her little fam. She writes about girls and women who deal with what life throws at them and always about love, because she LOVES love.


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