Stand Alone Novel
Book 4
By: Ellie Hall

Dare to Love the Guy I Hate

Ellie Hall
 With the high school reunion approaching, according to a pact among my friends, I have to find my Marriage Match. Too bad I hate him.
 DARE TO LOVE   Book Four

I know exactly what I want: an epic adventure on the open road, alone. Forget the silly dating dare. My quest is to visit all fifty states and find a place to call home. When my mom asks for a favor to help a family friend, I can’t say no even though I despise the guy.

Elliot O’Connell is a rock star in recovery with a debilitating fear of flying, but he needs to get to an awards show. To him, a road trip with a pretty woman sounds like a song in the making. Turns out, he’s my number one nemesis—not a fan of his lifestyle or that thing he did that time.

Me, forgive and forget? Not on your life, buddy.

We clash when tailed by a crazy ex, try to detour from past heartbreak, and take a wrong turn that leads us to discover what we have in common. When the trip comes to an end and real-life intervenes, sending us in different directions, he says I’m like a tune he can’t get out of his head.

Forgive? Forget? Maybe…

Will these speedbumps slow us down or are we destined for love?

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Ellie Hall is a USA Today bestselling author. If only that meant she could wear a tiara and get away with it. ;) She loves puppies, books, and the ocean. Writing sweet romance with lots of firsts and fizzy feels gives her joy. Oh, and chocolate chip cookies are her fave. Ellie believes in dreaming big, working hard, and lazy Sunday afternoons spent with her family and dog in gratitude for God’s grace.


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