Book 6
By: Jessie Gussman

Just a Cowboy’s Secret Baby

Jessie Gussman

Jonah Mills is content keeping a low profile on the Sweet Briar Ranch, drumming up business for their crop dusting service and learning how to be a rancher after years in the Air Force. His marriage was a mistake he doesn’t intend to repeat.

Darby Woods comes to Sweet Water with her daughter, looking for the father, just as a group of girls make a video that goes viral on social media. The town is swarmed with ladies looking to be the lady with the Three Old Coots, and, while not intending to be in the running, Darby is somehow chosen.

Her new gig is great, except it doesn’t pay anything. So she takes a clerk job on Sweet Briar Ranch, where the man she’s looking for lives, only he doesn’t realize he’s a father and she doesn’t want to hurt her daughter if he isn’t interested in fulfilling his responsibilities.

But Darby doesn’t count on the Sweet Water Matchmakes stepping and trying to match her daughter’s father up to the wrong woman. What’s a girl to do, but go after the man herself? After all, The Three Old Coots are on her side. What could possibly go wrong?

Books in the Flyboys of Sweet Briar Ranch in North Dakota Series:

  1. Just a Cowboy’s Convenient Marriage
  2. Just a Cowboy’s Best Friend
  3. Just a Cowboy’s Enemy
  4. Just a Cowboy’s Midnight Bride
  5. Just a Cowboy’s Love Story
  6. Just a Cowboy’s Secret Baby
  7. Just a Cowboy’s Shotgun Wedding
  8. Just a Cowboy’s Princess
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USA Today best-selling author Jessie Gussman writes sweet and inspirational romance from her farm in central Virginia. Having attended, but never graduating from the school of hard knocks, Jessie uses real life on the farm to inspire her cowboy, rural and blue-collar fiction.

When she’s not chasing kids, cows and the occasional roll-away haybale, Jessie enjoys wading in Naked Creek and not cleaning her house. Most of the time her main goal is to keep from catching herself on fire…again.

If you enjoy fun stories with vivid characters showcasing strong families with a ribbon of faith tying everything together, you might enjoy Jessie’s books.


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