Stand Alone Novel
Book 6
By: Zoe Matthews

Lead Me With Your Heart

Zoe Matthews

Nathan has never needed anything fancy to make his life feel complete. School was a struggle he never cared to overcome.

The only thing that has ever mattered to him is working with cows, horses and staying on his fields for as long as possible every day. His cattle ranch is what he knows and loves, and he has never had a reason to want for anything else.

Now, all his siblings are married- and happier than he has ever seen them. He still loves his ranch, but wonders.. what would happen if he contacted the girl his grandfather had chosen for him to marry?

He decides to use a voice recognition software to write to her, and invites her out to see the ranch.

Kinsley lives in Chicago, and has always wanted to get out of the city. She jumps at the chance to see wide open fields. What challenges with the two face once she arrives, and will they be able to overcome those challenges and find love together?

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Zoe started writing as a young teenager and has kept that passion alive throughout her life. At any one time she can be found relaxing and devouring a good western romance novel or gathering information for one of her own future books. She loves living in the high mountain deserts of the western United States. Her hobbies include photographing desert landscapes and her adorable grandchildren as well as dabbling in watercolors. Her perfect summer days would be spent up at the family cabin writing, painting, hiking and associating with family.


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