Stand Alone Novel
Book 3
By: Clover Clements

Legend Says, My Crush is Foreign: A Sweet YA Rom-Com

Clover Clements

Crushing on a hot guy? No problem.
Crushing on the hot exchange student living with you? Complicated.
Your crush trying to guess who your crush is? Problematic.
Put all that together? My life.

No one knows the torment and torture of living with a drool-worthy Italian exchange student like I do. Yes, it’s redundant. But I live with it day and night!
Elia Carbone smells exotic. Looks exotic. Speaks exoticly, and his smile—I can’t even look at it, much less talk about it.
Accepting I have a crush on him in hopes of moving on seems like the best course of action—until he starts riding the bus with me every day. As in, next to me. Sharing a bench. Inches between our legs.
And there are conversations.
I had no idea bus rides could be so . . . invigorating. No, electric. No, exhausting.
Now, we’re friends. Friends who flirt. Friends who try to guess each other’s crushes. He’s bent on finding out who mine is. If he finds out it’s him, my life is over.

No torture is worse than living with a girl you want to kiss who has a crush on someone else.
And America is great and all, but I can’t get comfortable here. My life and family is in Italy. For three months, I’ve successfully avoided having too much fun and getting too familiar with anyone.
But Scarlet McMann isn’t just anyone, and I can’t help having fun with her.
Scarlet is talented. She is funny. Her eyes are gorgeous, and her silvery hair—I can’t even look at it without staring.
But we’re friends. And she’s got a crush on some other idiot. It’s my new goal (borderline obsession) to find out who it is. Then maybe the only-friends thing will sink in. Or maybe I can talk her out of crushing on the guy.
If I can find out who it is, I think I can move on.

When your crush is foreign, home life feels anything but domestic.

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Clover discovered her love of stories with horror novels.

She and her family moved when she was twelve, and as the new girl in town with no friends, moving within walking distance of the city library was no accident. That’s how monsters and books snuck into her life. The monsters got old, but the books never left.

While she found companionship and escape with the gruesome at first—thank you, Christopher Pike—she found a home and kindred spirits within the pages of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. Jo March was it for her. Since then, she’s wanted ink stains on her fingers from writing, just like Jo. She laments that computers are so tidy!

She now lives in Utah with her husband, their five children and dog, her plants, and her personal library.

Family, oxygen, and books.

That’s really all you need!


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