Stand Alone Novel
By: Stephanie Black

Methods of Madness

Stephanie Black

It’s been three years since the terrible night Emily Ramsey suffered a double tragedy — the death of her sister and the disappearance of her fiancé. She deserves another chance at happiness, and gentle, adorable Zach Sullivan is the perfect man to mend her shattered heart. But from the moment Emily opens the hand-carved box holding a glittering diamond solitaire, she’s seized by an unshakable fear: she’s going to lose Zach.

That’s exactly what Monica, Zach’s ex-girlfriend, is banking on. Bitter with envy, Monica will stop at nothing to sabotage Zach and Emily’s romance. Troubling notes show up in Emily’s mailbox, fanning the flames of suspicion. A bloody photograph sends her reeling. But when someone is brutally murdered, will Emily be able to escape suspicion and the possibility that she might be next?

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Stephanie Black has loved books since she was old enough to grab the pages and has enjoyed creating make-believe adventures since she and her sisters were inventing long Barbie games filled with intrigue and danger or running around pretending to be detectives.

She is a four-time Whitney Award winner for Best Mystery/Suspense Novel. Stephanie lives in northern California, plays the violin in a community symphony but never practices enough, and likes to wander around taking pictures of birds. She enjoys spending time with her family, is a fan of homemade pizza, chocolate-chip cookies, and naps, and ranks as the cat's third-favorite person, though that ranking is shaky.


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