Stand Alone Novel
By: Amberlee Day

Snowed In at Christmas Town

Amberlee Day
 What happens when she gets snowed in with the man she’s managed to ignore for a decade? Pretty much a disaster draped in tinsel.

Louisa loves her godchildren. Getting snowed in with them at her favorite Christmassy tourist trap should be a spontaneous adventure right up her alley.

Except that their godfather, Brady Wheeler, is there too. Yes, that Brady Wheeler, the biggest name in professional hockey, the sport’s greatest-of-all-time and most handsome eligible bachelor to boot.

Just ask him.

Now, instead of an adventure, all Louisa feels is trapped.

Brady’s never understood Louisa Perkins. She’s always giving him that look, the one that’s somewhere between outrage and disapproval. What right does she have to do that, when she’s the one landing him in situations that make him look ridiculous?

Snowed In at Christmas Town is a sweet and heartwarming romantic comedy where enemies might become lovers, where there are cookies and cocoa and everything good about Christmas, and where a couple of eight-year-old twins might just steal your heart.

Swoony romance on a snowy mountaintop…all you want for Christmas!

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Amberlee Day writes from her home deep in a Pacific Northwest forest. Unless she’s at the beach, then she writes there. Also in her minivan while waiting on children’s activities, or at the library when the house is too noisy, and occasionally in random corners during family reunions.

If you love sweet, funny romance novels, you’ll love these stories by Amberlee Day!


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