Stand Alone Novel
By: Alice Kirks

Viscountess by Chance: A Historical Regency Romance

Alice Kirks

Lady Hyacinth, daughter of the Earl of Harfield, has led a pleasant, yet rather predictable life. Her heart has always yearned for adventure, envying her cousin Emmeline’s life in Paris. All of her dreams collapse though, when after a public scandal, she finds herself betrothed to a complete stranger…

Will Hyacinth find a way to escape a miserable life and make her dreams come true? Could love flourish in a marriage that was born out of a scandal?

Nathaniel, Viscount Ramsbury, is relatively new to London society, having been raised on his parents’ country estate. While visiting London, fate brings the beautiful Hyacinth in his path. Little did he know that in his attempt to help the young lady, he would be forced to marry her. Could a miracle help Nathaniel get out of this tangled mess?

Two kind souls in the most unpredictable situation they could ever imagine…

When Nathaniel and Hyacinth head on an expedition to France, they both agree to follow separate ways, without expecting their feelings for each other to suddenly conquer them. However, there is a lot in store for them along the road, as they are thrust into yet another adventure. Will Nathaniel and Hyacinth learn to trust each other during their fateful journey? Will they manage to put all trouble behind and embrace their special romance?

“Viscountess by Chance” is a historical romance novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

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