Stand Alone Novel
By: Charlotte Fitzwilliam

Compassionate Duke

 Miss Lilly wasn't looking for love, but love searched her out.

Miss Lilly is supposed to be preparing for marriage. In fact, it is all her father and brothers ever seem to talk about. But she is the daughter of the Viscount de Chagnie; her match will be made for her, and Lilly is no hurry to add another man to her world.
James Cavendish, the Duke of Salisbury, is new to his title and already tired of the sycophants and parasites that multiply with each new dinner party. When he arrives at the spring revelry, the duke is already sour to the idea of enduring another Season. That is, until he is introduced to a slip of a girl with skin like pearls and no interest in the attention of men, aside from what they can give to those in need.
He will make Lilly’s passion for charity his legacy, if only to garner her interest. But first, he must court the favor of four older brothers and her domineering father, all to stand a chance of showing Lilly that his generosity can extend beyond the workhouses, and her heart is worth more than title or fortune. Will she accept the duke’s attentions, and will the duke’s attentions stay on Lilly?

Fabulous! Charlotte delivers one refreshing approach with this delightful and engaging, sensational block buster. Unleashing those spinning emotions throughout, with all the passion, finesse and precision, laying out this piece of perfection, blowing this jewel into a tizzy with a life altering culmination. Satisfaction is an understatement, it doesn’t get any better than this. An arresting storyline and gripping plot, blaze this baby forward with all the gusto and jazz, leaving you in awe. Witnessing the trials and tribulations, stunning twists, surprising turns and crisp lines, tempting our characters in ways they could have never anticipated. Unveiling a foray of intrigue, misgivings, turmoil and mounting suspense along with intense situations and a boatload of miscommunication, blasts this little fella together seamlessly. The characters are authentic and realistic with depth and qualities that transform into outstanding personalities. A churning eddy of inexplicable events and baffling circumstances, throw this bad boy into a churning tempest, testing our characters in ways they could have never anticipated. Remarkable job Charlotte, thanks for sharing this little fella with us.

From the same era as Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, and Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations.
If you love Regency, inspirational-romance stories that are clean and wholesome and often include dukes, earls, barons, marquesses, lords and ladies, you will enjoy this book.

*This is a historical Regency romance novel of 30,000 words. No cheating, no cliff hangers, and a sweet happily ever after.

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Charlotte Fitzwilliam was raised in Manchester, England and graduated from University in London with a Masters of English, which focused on 18th Century and Romantic Studies. Her passion since young adulthood was reading and writing romantic regency stories.

Charlotte feels like she is living a dream life as she often brings coffee or tea to the country side. She sits beneath a tree with her laptop to dream and write about proud dukes and ladies in long dresses falling in love.


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