Book 2
By: Sarah Monzon

Jocelyn: City Girls Don’t Fall for Cowboys: A Sweet Romantic Comedy

Sarah Monzon
 City girls do not belong at dude ranches.

There are a few things everyone should know about Jocelyn Dormus.

  1. She hates her job at a financial conglomerate but will never leave it because stability is more important than creativity.
  2. Being a Black female in the corporate world, she has to work twice as hard and never show weakness. Even if weakness comes in the form of her reaction to her boss announcing the corporate retreat taking place at a dude ranch and she think the idea of bugs, riding horses, and camping sounds like unnecessary torture.
  3. She’s more passionate about the weekly sewing get together than anyone–even her closest friends–know.

Jocelyn Dormus is great at her job even if she hates every minute of it. When her boss announces their yearly corporate retreat is to take place on a dude ranch, she responds how she always does at work–outward calm while inwardly screaming. She’s a city girl. She doesn’t belong–nor wants to be–within ten feet of a horse. But she can’t let her coworkers know of her fear or inexperience. She can learn to ride a horse from a YouTube video, right?

Malachi Thomas us doing everything he can to keep his family’s legacy alive–including inviting outsiders onto his family’s working ranch to play cowboy for a week even though he’s painfully shy. He’s seen his fair share of greenhorns, but these bigwigs from the city are something else. Especially the woman who makes his heart gallop in his chest whenever she’s around.

She’s city. He’s country.
She’s effervescent and outgoing. He’s reticent and tongue-tied around people.
Opposites may attract, but can attraction lead to something that lasts forever?

Jocelyn is book #2 in the Sewing in SoCal series. Each book is a stand alone sweet, closed-door romantic comedy that follows members of the same sewing group through their romantic misadventures.

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Winner of the Holt Medallion and Selah Award, Sarah Monzon is a stay-at-home mom who makes up imaginary friends to have adult conversations with (otherwise known as writing novels). As a navy chaplain's wife, she resides wherever the military happens to station her family and enjoys exploring the beauty of the world around her.


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