Stand Alone Novel
By: Donna Hatch

Unmasking the Duke

Donna Hatch

The last thing Hannah Palmer wants to do is flirt with men in a crowded ballroom, but when her sister, the Countess of Tarrington, throws a Masquerade Ball, Hannah can’t say no to the invitation. Taking comfort behind her disguise, she dances with a charming masked gentleman, matching him wit for wit. When the glorious evening culminates in a kiss, and the two remove their masks, Hannah is horrified to discover the man she’s been flirting with all night is her most despised neighbor, the Duke of Suttenberg. No matter how charming the duke was at the ball, and how wonderful the kiss, he is the last man she could ever love.

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Award-winning author of over two dozen best-selling Historicals, Donna Hatch is a masterful storyteller of captivating tales of courage, second chances, redemption, and lasting love. Meticulously researched, and beautifully written, her romances take place amidst the Regency Era immortalized by Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and Lord Byron. Donna weaves virtue and values into her tales yet includes plenty of chemistry. Every “Sweet” or “Clean and Wholesome” Donna Hatch romance brings courageous heroines and swoony heroes together for a glorious happily ever after. When she’s not writing or researching, Donna loves to dance—especially ballroom and hula—sing, hike, go to the beach, add to her growing collection of books, and therefore bookshelves. She also loves to dress up in costumes, which her kids say is cool if it's called Cos Play. Donna and her husband of over thirty years have raised six children and are discovering the joy of grandchildren.


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