Book One
Book 1
By: Brittany Fichter

My Little Rock Airman


Jessie has one rule: No dating airmen. Unfortunately, Derrick Allen doesn’t seem to care.

But what does it matter? Prince Charming had a horse, not a cargo plane.


A strange silence settled over the car. And though I scrolled through my inbox, I found myself more and more unsettled by the man sitting beside me. Which was stupid. This was Derrick, the guy who tormented me for half of our relationship and spent the other half playing pranks and begging me to help him avoid his boss.

So why did I feel like I was really meeting him for the first time? And why did it suddenly feel like maybe…maybe it was time to rethink the rules after all?



It had to be the uniform. Women were weird about uniforms. It was just something I wore every day. It had function and utility. Once I’d accidentally terrified a group of kids in a gas station, who I quickly realized were from another country. But Jessie didn’t look terrified. She looked…curious.

And though that would have concerned me two months ago, now I couldn’t help but wonder if I liked it.

My Little Rock Airman is the first in the My Air Force Fairy Tale series, clean and wholesome standalone novels about life and love with military men. Read it today to find love, truth, laughter, and the magic of happily ever after.

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Brittany lives with her Prince Charming, their little fairy, and their tiny prince in a decently clean castle in whatever kingdom the Air Force has most recently placed them. When she's not writing, Brittany can be found with her family (including their spoiled black Labrador), doing chores (she'd rather be writing), going to church, belting Disney songs, exercising, or decorating cakes. You can find more of her work at her website


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