Stand Alone Novel
Book 4
By: Donna K. Weaver

A Fella for Frances (novella)

Donna K. Weaver
 Never underestimate a woman who has a rifle and is seeking justice.

It’s a new century, and Frances Lancaster is determined to take control of her future. She’s tired of being a pawn in her uncle’s odious ploys—especially now she suspects him of poisoning her father. To complicate her plans, her older siblings keep treating her like a child. She might only be nineteen, but with the help of her best friend, Nick, she’s determined to make the murderer pay. That means she’s going to have to do something outrageous and unexpected.

Nick Reynolds has been in love with Frances for months. She might have declared she’ll never marry, but he’s a patient man. He’ll settle for being her best friend because, for him, it’s either Frances or no one. When she asks him to help her by becoming her “temporary” husband so she can claim her inheritance, he can’t refuse. He’ll do whatever she needs to bring her conniving uncle to justice. But will Nick’s heart survive when he has to let her go?

Books in the Lilac City Romance Series

  1. A Match for Maude
  2. A Dandy for Doris
  3. A Lady for Luke
  4. A Fella for Frances
  5. An Equal for Edith
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USA Today best-selling and award-winning author-wife-mother-grandmother-Navy brat-Army veteran-karate black belt-Harry Potter nerd-online gamer.

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