Book One
Book 1
By: Ashtyn Newbold

The Earl Next Door

Ashtyn Newbold
 One available house. One pesky Earl. One month to drive him out.

When Miss Henrietta Dixon wants something, she finds a way to have it. When an incident in London sends her and her sister to Bath, she can think of no better opportunity to reunite her sister with the man she has always loved by inviting him to stay at the last available townhouse next door in the Royal Crescent. Her plan is coming along splendidly until The Earl of Guildford walks—or rather, saunters—into town, and steals it from under her nose.

Charlie can see only one way to save his sister from the horrible marriage his father has planned for her. He has to marry an heiress, Lady Eleanor, who has taken up residence in Bath. In order to secure the final place in the Royal Crescent, he has no choice but to offer any price it takes. He only has to stay for long enough to woo Lady Eleanor, but when a remarkably vexing young woman next door refuses to leave him in peace, he cannot help but declare war. A war of wits, a war of schemes, and most unexpectedly…a war against his obstinate heart. Miss Dixon is not only vexing, but she is intriguing and beautiful in a way he has never seen before. Whether she likes it or not, he’s keeping his place in Bath. But whether he can keep his heart is another matter entirely.


The Earl Next Door is a sweet regency romantic comedy. It is the first book in the Noble Charades series by Ashtyn Newbold.

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Ashtyn Newbold grew up with a love of stories. When she discovered Jane Austen books as a teen, she learned she was a sucker for romantic ones. Her first novel was published shortly after high school and she never looked back. When not indulging in sweet romantic comedies and regency period novels (and cookies), she writes romantic stories of her own. Ashtyn also dearly loves to laugh, bake, sing, and do anything that involves creativity and imagination.


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