Stand Alone Novel
By: Lilah Rivers

Ηer Heart’s Anchor: An Inspirational Historical Romance (novella)

Lilah Rivers

Ruth Hopkins has been her father’s steady rock ever since her mother’s sudden loss many years ago. Although he puts up a brave front, she knows that he longs for a second chance at love. Her decision to enlist the help of her best friend, Andrew, will cause a chaotic turmoil between them, but as she looks for her dad’s soulmate with him, she may find the piece that has actually been missing from her own life. Will she trust her heart, putting her friendship with Andrew at risk, or will she choose to bury her emotions deep inside?

Andrew Black enjoys working for the Hopkins’ ranch, but he can’t help wishing that he had the courage to express his secret feelings to Ruth. When an opportunity arises to assist her in finding her father a wife, Andrew does whatever he can to stay close to her. In the process though, thunderclouds appear on the horizon foreshadowing that a new challenge is approaching. Will he manage to catch the attention of Ruth as everything falls apart, or will this chance of a lifetime be utterly wasted?

When dreadful news reaches the ranch, threatening to destroy their lives, Andrew and Ruth will have to figure out a way to save the ranch–and her father’s only hope for happiness. What they don’t expect is to be forced to decide what they truly want from one another. Can they be vulnerable enough to share this difficult emotional journey? Or will the fear of opening up their hearts stop them from ever knowing true love?

“Ηer Heart’s Anchor” is a historical romance novel of approximately 60,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

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