Stand Alone Novel
By: Lilah Rivers

Unspoken Secrets Of Two Hearts: An Inspirational Historical Romance (novella)

Lilah Rivers

Dorothy Maragon has everything a girl in frontier Montana could ask for but as lucky as she may be, there’s something missing. Deaf since birth, Dorothy has always longed to attend a school specifically catered to her needs, but her wealthy parents have forbidden her. Unfortunately, they have other ideas for her future and would prefer to ignore the fact that she’s deaf altogether, never having even learned sign language for their own daughter’s sake.

If only she could find someone to be there when no one else is listening…

When a handsome new ranch hand, Danny Goodman comes to Longhorn who not only speaks sign language but also listens to her in a way that no one else has before, Dorothy falls fast and hard. Danny’s hardly immune to her stunning looks and charm, though he knows that her father will never approve of him as he’s nothing more than a plucky cowboy without two pennies to rub together. When Dorothy’s father learns about Dorothy’s clandestine meetings with him around the ranch, everything comes to a head.

Will her father once again stand in the way of her happiness?

Rattled but determined, Dorothy decides to take her into her own hands, but will Danny follow? Or will he be a pawn to her father’s wishes? Will Dorothy and Danny find a way to one another, or will circumstances and pride keep them apart for good?

“Unspoken Secrets Of Two Hearts” is a historical romance novel of approximately 60,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

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