Stand Alone Novel
By: Bella Brown

The Bride Who Escaped Christmas

Bella Brown

Ebba Frampton had made a grave mistake when she’d accepted a marriage proposal from Bruce Frey. She fled his home in the middle of a snowstorm in a desperate attempt to escape.

The last thing Hal Wyman expected was a pretty woman showing up at his remote cabin. He lived alone for good reason, nursing a dark and painful past.

Ebba no longer trusted a thing. Certainly not the scarred stranger. Nor the feelings that he stirs within. But she needs his help if she’s to make it back to Boston in time for Christmas.

However, Bruce Frey isn’t a man to take Ebba’s rejection lying down. He’s closing in, and he isn’t about to lose his fiancee to the solitary mountain man. His bride may have escaped Christmas but she won’t escape him.

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